Saturday, September 18

i am a gorummer, are you?

no, i am not crazy, and yes, gorummer is not just a random made up word. and this post is inspiration from PapaL's(a gorummer himself) "gorum alliances" thread.

introduced to the googlewhack adventure by my cousin, i decided to do some of my own googlewhacking, in which i succeeded a fair few times, two of which have my very own name in them too! this is a fact i am well proud of. also, it was my birthday present to myself. yay, me!

from googlewhacking to gorumming was a quick journey. took me not more than a few hours. i recommend it completely, although, i should warn you that it's a one-way ticket to a world of fun, humour, sarcasm, controversies, arguments (my favourite one), and other trivia that you'll find amusing if you are that way inclined, and lots of fancy games that some of us come up with and play against each other that even a 5 year old would think of as too childish! it's good fun i tells yah

the gorummers take thier roles very seriously. as a proof, we have regular gorum meets, which is an important thing. banner and all. there is one coming up in machester, a big one at that, joy, we'll soon have more pictures!

watch this space...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a lovely blog. ;) PL

19 September, 2004  

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