Thursday, January 6


okay, this is a vent for my frustration. i have not been doing anything constructive with my life lately. in fact, all that i have done in my life up until now is the reason of my depression and frustration. surely, a bachelors degree and a masters degree is enough to get most people a decent job somewhere. wouldn't it be fair to assume that having graduated (maybe not with the best marks) would at least guarantee some sort of interview. unfortunately, i have applied for a good few posts and managed to get two acknowledgements and no interviews. it sucks. big time. it might not be fair to whinge about not getting a job when people elsewhere are dying and starving, and are trying to survive without the basic things in life, but hey, surely i am allowed to be angry.

okay, much of the frustration is over.

onto something else, pappa is coming on the 17th so i am quite looking forward to meeting him, it'll be exactly after a year, so i am excited.

i don't really know what is in store for me after the 31st of jan when my visa to stay in the uk expires. it seems highly unlikely that i can manage to get a job before that. i need to apply for an extension sometime soon, sometime before i am forcefully thrown out or deported, not that it should ever come to that, i am quite capable of leaving this country on my own, thank you very much! i have been looking for jobs back at home, hopefully something should work out, it always does.

can't think of anything else to whinge about, except riz doesn't shave everyday, it's okay, i don't really mind, he looks quite alright with a stuble, but sometimes i wish he'd just shave and get over with it. and yeah, i wish he'd take less time dressing up. men!